Today discover the portrait of Marjorie volunteers on our Shenzhen antenna.
I have always been tempted to get involved in an NGO, but I have never dared to take the plunge. My expatriation to China in 2017 offered me a great opportunity to make this desire come true with the presence of a Couleurs de Chine office in Shenzhen, which was looking for volunteers. What immediately attracted me to Couleurs de Chine was helping less fortunate children, especially little girls, to continue to study, what I think is the best way for them to choose their destiny. Secondly, being part of a group of volunteers with endearing personalities and different backgrounds, all convinced and animated by this same great cause, makes this commitment a great human adventure. As head of the Couleurs de Chine office in Shenzhen, I wish us to continue to cultivate this beautiful energy and to take up new challenges for these endearing children.”
Marjorie Castets Head of the CdC Shenzhen office.
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